The Athletics Northland Cross Country Championship is an event jointly organised by Hātea Run & Athletics Whangārei, to be held at Barge Park. This event is for everyone, no matter your age, speed or experience.
The course is a marked and measured 2km loop. As such we will be allowing for people to run 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10k distances.
The race starts at 2pm sharp, so make sure you turn up with plenty of time to get registered and pay any entry fees. Last minute entries on the day have to be in by 1.15pm and race briefing is at 1.45pm. All distances start at the same time, so it’s a mass start. You are responsible for keeping track of how many laps you have run.
At the finish you will be given a place token, which you will need to give to the person correlating the results before leaving the finishing chute. Speak clearly when providing them with your name and chosen distance, since they may not know who you are.
The official distances to be acknowledged as the fastest Northland runner, are 8km for women and 10km for men. Women are welcome to run 10km if they wish. The winners of each distance will be acknowledged at during tea after 3pm.
Entry is free for Hātea Run & Athletics Whangārei members and $7 per person for everyone else. Please can club members run in their club shirts on the day.
Tea & Biscuits will be provided to entrants by the clubs at Tiffanys cafe from 3pm.